Angragon is a relatively major character in the first season of the Aquablade Chronicles. She died in the final episode of the Aquablade Chronicles Season One series, Together We Stand. She appeared as one of the fighting souls in the land of Inferis.
Angelight Beam[]
A special based attack.
Aquablade Chronicles Characters |
Good Characters: Aquablade11 (Uber Form, Dark), Flare Hawk ( Lava Goose, Volcano Phoenix), Demonic Venom Lord, Angragon, Twoohfive205, |
Neutral Characters: Aquablade Warrior ( Skullsaber), Dark Stalker, |
Villains: Flare Hawk ( Lava Goose, Volcano Phoenix), Darkceus, Vaur ( Sala, Salavaur) |
Secondary Characters: |