Aquablade11 Wiki
Aquablade11 Wiki

Darkfernape is a minor character featured in the Aquablade Chronicles. He is a Fire/Fighting-typed sprite created by Aquablade11. In Season One, he is one of the many sprites that join Aquablade's cause to take down Darkceus. Like with most characters, his sprite received a different look in Sunrise due to him aging ten years, and he now lives in Core City to make up for the unbearably freezing temperature that exists on Kruxor's surface due to the sun disappearing when Aquablade tried and failed to delete Kruxor from his computer in "To End a World".






Bulk Up[]

A Fighting-type move that raises the user's attack and defense stats by one stage each. A canon move.

Dark Void[]

A Dark-type move that gives all opponents the sleep status. A canon move.


Aquablade Chronicles Characters

Good Characters: Aquablade Aquablade11 (AquabladeUberFormIUber Form, GoodDarkAquabladeDark), FlareHawk Flare Hawk (LavaGoose Lava Goose, VolcanoPhoenix Volcano Phoenix), DVL Demonic Venom Lord, Angragon Angragon, Twoohfive205 Twoohfive205,

Neutral Characters: Ab warrior Aquablade Warrior (Skullsaber Skullsaber), DarkStalker Dark Stalker,

Villains: FlareHawk Flare Hawk (LavaGoose Lava Goose, VolcanoPhoenix Volcano Phoenix), Darkceus Darkceus, Vaur Vaur (Sala Sala, Salavaur Salavaur)

Secondary Characters: