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Death is a character first featured in Aquablade Chronicles: Sunrise. He is a being created by Salavaur to reap the Souls of those who die in Kruxor and bring them to Inferis, where he lives, in exchange for immortality and complete control over the Souls, with the restriction that he is unable to kill anyone himself.



Death debuts in "Land of the Departed" when he appears in front of Crimson Scythe while he is exploring Inferis, greeting him and saying he hasn't had a living visitor for a very long time. When Crimson Scythe asks Death who he is, he is surprised because Salavaur should have made sure everyone in Kruxor knew who he was. When told that Salavaur is no longer alive, Death says he already knew that and that it was an interesting experience to reap the Soul of the god who created him, and reveals his identity to Crimson Scythe. When Crimson Scythe asks Death if he could take a Soul from Inferis and bring it back to the living world, Death states that it is impossible as Souls are physically unable to leave Inferis once under his control, but Crimson Scythe doesn't believe him. Death tells him to believe whatever he wishes as it doesn't change the facts and warns him to watch out for the wandering Souls in Inferis which could be hostile. He is then about to leave, but before he can, Crimson Scythe asks him where the rest of his group can find him if they wish to speak with him, and he points out the castle on a tall hill in the distance, which is his home, and says that he may be willing to discuss the Soul-taking again if Crimson Scythe and his group manage to reach it without dying.


Death is a tall cloaked figure. It is unknown what he looks like under his cloak. His cloak has several red appendages growing out of it, and the bottom of it has the Greek symbol for death, "Theta" (θ) embroidered on it. At the end of "Land of the Departed", he is shown wielding a scythe with a bird skull on the top of it.


Death appears to be quite an affable being at least on the outside, as he is shown to be welcoming to Crimson Scythe upon his arrival in Inferis, despite him being alive, and warning him of the danger of the wandering Souls there. Despite this, he also seems to have murderous desires, stating that his collection of Souls would be much bigger if Salavaur had permitted him to kill people himself.





Aquablade Chronicles Characters

Good Characters: Aquablade Aquablade11 (AquabladeUberFormIUber Form, GoodDarkAquabladeDark), FlareHawk Flare Hawk (LavaGoose Lava Goose, VolcanoPhoenix Volcano Phoenix), DVL Demonic Venom Lord, Angragon Angragon, Twoohfive205 Twoohfive205,

Neutral Characters: Ab warrior Aquablade Warrior (Skullsaber Skullsaber), DarkStalker Dark Stalker,

Villains: FlareHawk Flare Hawk (LavaGoose Lava Goose, VolcanoPhoenix Volcano Phoenix), Darkceus Darkceus, Vaur Vaur (Sala Sala, Salavaur Salavaur)

Secondary Characters: