Aquablade11 Wiki
Aquablade11 Wiki

Forest General is a Pokémon sprite who guards the Dark Key in a forest in Kruxor with Forest Warrior. He only appears in the sprite battle "Defense of the Forest", where he and Forest Warrior tried to prevent Blueberry Bat and Insect Soldier from stealing the Dark Key, but failed and fainted in battle, although they did manage to defeat Blueberry Bat, and Forest Warrior's son Tree Soldier arrived and defeated Insect Soldier afterwards as revenge for him defeating his father.


Aquablade Chronicles Characters

Good Characters: Aquablade Aquablade11 (AquabladeUberFormIUber Form, GoodDarkAquabladeDark), FlareHawk Flare Hawk (LavaGoose Lava Goose, VolcanoPhoenix Volcano Phoenix), DVL Demonic Venom Lord, Angragon Angragon, Twoohfive205 Twoohfive205,

Neutral Characters: Ab warrior Aquablade Warrior (Skullsaber Skullsaber), DarkStalker Dark Stalker,

Villains: FlareHawk Flare Hawk (LavaGoose Lava Goose, VolcanoPhoenix Volcano Phoenix), Darkceus Darkceus, Vaur Vaur (Sala Sala, Salavaur Salavaur)

Secondary Characters: